Friday, May 7, 2010

finally friday

so this week we had PA no 2 arrive. and she was given the whole office drill...if you serve ma'am some water, make sure it is from this bottle in the fridge and served on a saucer in one of ma'ams glasses. Rinse the glass out before but don't dry it (not sure why myself) bla bla bla.

and as usual we ran out of 'staff' milk this week - tuesday - still no milk.

the other day the receptionist was preparing ma'ams lunch. it was hilarious to watch. the precious bowl of soup was popped in and out of the micorwave with everyone commenting on whether this liquid was warm enough, but not too hot. no-one had the guts to dip a spoon in there and actually taste it.

i actually havn't seen ms dracula all week, so its been kinda chilled. there is supposed to be a meeting today so im sure things will be sent in completely the opposite direction from which i'm going. not cos im wrong - just cos it has to be her idea. like my colleagues motto: "hurry up and wait".

one of my colleagues is busy with one of my projects. basically, ive specified all the products that must be sent to the salt river depot for renovation of the factory, and things like plain white pva paint needed to get 3 quotes before it gets delivered. the list has been completed. Tiles of R39 psqm wasn't approved because they needed 3 quotes. Im glad she doesnt mind my colleague spending 3 days just getting quotes for 10 items. Tuesday - still not approved. "hurry up and wait"
